Life Expectancy at Birth (LEB), Liverpool, UK

Mean Life Expectancy at Birth (LEB)

This map shows the mean of the predictive distribution of LEB in Liverpool, UK at each pixel on a 250 by 250 metres regular grid.

We produce map of the following at each pixel on a 250 by 250 metres regular grid:

  • Male LEB

  • Female LEB

Non-exceedance probability (NEP) map of LEB

This map shows the probability that the predictive distribution of LEB do not exceeds a pre-defined threshold at each pixel on a 250 by 250 metres regular grid.

  • Non-exceedance probability (NEP): Given a specific threshold t: the values of NEP close to 1 (red) indicate that LEB is almost certain to be below t; values close to 0 (blue) indicate locations whose LEB is almost certain to be above t; and locations with values around 0.5 are maximally uncertain, in the sense that their LEB is equally likely to be above or below t.

  • LEB threshold: The user can change the threshold, t.

Quantile map of LEB

This map shows the quantile of level *α* ∈ {0, 1} of the predictive distribution of LEB at each pixel on a 250 by 250 metres regular grid.

  • Quantile level: The level *α* ∈ {0, 1} of the quantile surface. The user can change the level of alpha.