Dynamic Atlas

Dynamic Atlas

Upload your data

Example data
To see a working example of the Dynamic Atlas, download the shapefiles (.dbf, .prj, .shp, .shx) with their corresponding spreadsheet (.csv) and metadata (.txt) files using the 'Download' button. Then upload the files to the Dynamic Atlas using the file upload forms below. The shapefiles define the spatial geometry. The CSV spreadsheet has one row per spatial sub-region/point along with the following columns: disease data at each timestep (in this example 'time_1', 'time_2', and so on'); an optional column (in this example 'Population'); and a column containing identically named sub-regions as defined in the shapefiles (in this example the data in the 'District' column). The metadata is a text file containing data to format the Dynamic Atlas (e.g. legends, colours, labels, etc.).
Upload shapefiles and CSV spreadsheet file
The ESRI shapefiles define either the spatial polygon or point geometry. The CSV spreadsheet contains the following: a column containing identically named sub-regions as defined in the shapefiles, disease data at each timestep where each column name should start with the text 'time_' followed by an integer (e.g. the column names for monthly data in a given year are 'time_1', 'time_2', ..., 'time_12'); if required an optional column may be included (e.g. Population count in each sub-region). For further information see Example data section above.
Import metadata
Metadata is required to format the Dynamic Atlas. In the first instance it should be created by filling in one of the forms below. Typically the 'short' form should be sufficient for formatting the Dynamic Atlas, however when this form does not offer enough flexibility then use the 'long' form. If both the CSV spreadsheet and shapefiles are to be uploaded more than once the metadata file can be saved using the download button on the top right of the Dynamic Atlas map page. Hence this metadata file can then be used if uploading the same files in the future. Metadata characters should consist of numbers and letters, there should be no special characters e.g. end-of-line, tab, etc.
Import metadata by